Thursday, February 2, 2012
2 ps3,s not fully working for sale or swop !
hi i have 2 ps3,s for sale both work, the 60gb version turns on and plays games perfectly then the fan gets really loud and it turns itself off after about 30 over heating problem which shudnt be too hard to fix...the 40gb console needs a new blu ray drive or laser...other than that the console is in perfect working order and has never had a problem. i would like to swap both consoles for 1 fully working console i will throw in 2 160gb external hard drives aswell if the deal is gd enough. the 60gb console has no hd and needs a new caddy aswell....i preferably would like to swop for a working ps3. would also allow some1 to take both ps3s and for fixing 1 i would give them 1 free. i know that these are not major problems and can be fixed and sold on or used easily if u have the know how.