Saturday, February 18, 2012

wow account for sale 2x85s and twinks!!!! ?

The account im selling is quite an old account.The 85 warrior has the old RAF mount and has almost done Ds LFR. the 85 dk is almost full pvp and pve geared - to date. I have a twin blade of the harrkai which is no longer adviable. the DK and Warrior bolth have 280% flying.My warrior has lots of mats including alt gear. bolth charcters have a large amount of gear. on the second account is the most valuable i would say a level 70 warrior twink. he has 150% flying and is on a seprarte account which ill move for an extra £15. the warrior is in full brutal and has 22khp in prot. i have added macros on the account along with some bits from the old ZA on him from dps and tanking trinklets to the tuskguard shield (helmet) he also has the beserking enchant on his wep. the alst alt is a 69 shaman who has a large amount of rep at his level with almost full t2. he is only 2 bars off from leveling which i can see will be a nice moment when you log onto him :p the shaman is in ele gear which can also be restro. his other talents and armour suite enchant. i would recomend staying in the guild he is in since i ahd to apply, once youve leveld him up you will be able to do raiding in the guild and pvping. Account info: the account is on a collectors lich king so each charcter recives a frost wrym whelp. i will be adviable to any adtional info and will put screen shots up ASAP.