Thursday, October 18, 2012

playstation 3 (2 controllers) (9 games) .

black ps3 origional console with 2 wireless black controllers good working condition never had any problems with it includes 9 games which are. .test drive unlimited 2 .call of duty black ops .fifa 11 .brink .battlefield bad company 2 .call of duty 4 modern warfare .call of duty modern warfare 2 .the sims 3 . assassins creed 2 all games good condition and working. this console comes with all wires including a hdmi wire and this console has a memory capicity of 60gb. the only down fall to this console is the previous owner put quad bike stickers on the console and the controller which i dont like the look of but he done it to cover up scrathes i believe. otherwise this is a good xmas present as that season is now coming up. if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask.