Tuesday, December 18, 2012
intel i7 desktop or gamer !
i7 quad core 8 thread,8 gig dual channel ddr3 ram,16 max,xfx gtx260 black gaming card,coolermaster massive cpu cooler,didgey tv,wifi,blueray burner,650 watt power surrply,card reader,nice godspeed gaming case with lots of cooling,250 sata with windows 7 64 bit,never been gamed,hardly a sound from pc and very quick,will play any game out at the moment and theres room to up grade,24ins ultra thin back lit lg monitor,full hdmi,cordless keyboard and mouse,there is a ssd in sata 3 caddyas its fast for moving files or films,ive never used blue ray as i use a external burner,full nero for films,full anti virus by microsoft,one off machine for price,will make some one happy this christmas,thank you